

February 12, 2014

Most helpfull post for any freelancer!

Most helpfull post for any freelancer!

The common problems with freelancing... and how to tackle them!!

Freelancing or running your own business isn't easy. In fact, it can be one of the most challenging things you'll ever do. It's understandable why many choose to stick to the safe route and be employed by someone else. Especially when there are so many downsides to going it alone.

Being a freelancer can bring many headaches. In any given day, a freelancer can have anything go wrong, whether that's difficulties with clients or problems with workload and time management.

Overall, those who do take the leap and go freelance enjoy many benefits, including everything from being your own boss and having more freedom to working from home and discovering new things every day.

But to ensure you're a happy freelancer and enjoying the best of running your own business, I've put together these common problems with freelancing while giving you some inspiration on how to tackle them...

Problem 1: You're too small for people to respect you
By far the most common problem of freelancing is being a freelancer. Many people don't seem to understand or respect those who are sole traders and run their own businesses alone. As you're the only person on your team it somehow makes people assume that you're not worthy of your day rate or even capable of the services you provide. They'll try to knock you down on price or take advantage of you, suggesting you do things for free.

The Solution: If you're finding too many people are making bad assumptions about you and your business, pretend to be bigger than you are. That's right. Pretend there's more than one of you. Change the language on your website and marketing literature to say 'We' instead of 'I'. Say you're an 'agency' if you think it will help. Alternatively, you could pull together a network of other freelancers to offer collaborative services. You could also consider paying for virtual services, having your own virtual PA answering your calls. There's no harm in pretending to be bigger if you think it will gain you the respect you deserve.

Problem 2: People assume you can do things for free
Because you're a small business and just operating alone, some people will try to take advantage by asking you to do things for free. You'll hear things like 'Why don't you do this one without charge and we'll promise you more things in future when we've got the budget?' or the old classic 'This free project would be a great addition to your portfolio'.

The Solution: People will always try it on, exploiting your freelance position at every turn. Because you're a sole trader, they'll assume you're desperate and grateful for any work that might come your way. You're not, so don't let people treat you that way. The only time you should do work for free is when you need to build your portfolio or if you think it will lead to more work. For example, if a big name brand approached you and wanted some free services, you should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of helping them. To tackle everyone else, just say no. But always be nice because you don't want to burn any bridges.

Problem 3: Family and friends take advantage
When you work for yourself, family and friends will assume they can call on your skills whenever they like. They'll assume you're not busy and can help them out. They'll also think you can provide your services for free.

The Solution: Family and friends should be ashamed of themselves if they're always asking for your help. Yes - the odd favour here and there is ok. But really, it's not right for family and friends to take advantage of your freelancing skills. You'll undoubtedly be very busy and working all hours to make ends meet, so don't feel guilty if you say no to those you care about. Explain gently that you simply haven't got any time to help them and that you're already working weekends to make ends meet. Subtly lay the guilt trip on them and they should get the message.

Problem 4: You're struggling to juggle all your business tasks
When you're a freelancer, you don't just have to find time to do your actual work - you also have to find time to sort your accounts, administration, business management, client referrals, phone calls and emails. Like never before, you'll be juggling a huge amount of tasks on a daily basis.

The Solution: With so much new technology, the world is a different place these days for freelancers. If you're struggling to run your business then take advantage of all of the resources available at your fingertips. Get a virtual assistant to answer your calls. Hire an accountant to look after your accounts. Employ a debt collector to chase your invoices on a monthly basis. Free up as much of your time as possible to make life easier and leave you more time to earn money.

Problem 5: You're constantly worried about money
There's nothing worse than freelancing when it comes to money. You never really know when the next pay cheque is coming in. It's not like having the comforting safety net of a regular salary, that's for sure. There's also those quiet times when no work is coming in and your savings are going down, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

The Solution: It's swings and roundabouts with freelancing, so make sure you save a lot of money every month to cope with those quieter work periods. Have a healthy cash reserve at all times, so you're not lying in bed at night worrying about how you're going to pay for the mortgage. Don't spend beyond your means and remember that freelancing makes you rich in other ways - like having the freedom to do your own thing and be your own boss. Money isn't everything, so make sure you save up enough to cover your outgoings for at least three months. And try and keep those outgoings reasonable. More importantly, don't be fooled by a very healthy work month and rush out and buy that expensive car. You might not be able to afford it in future, so tread carefully.

Problem 6: You're struggling to get clients in the first place
One of the biggest challenges you'll face when freelancing is trying to win new clients. From the very moment you start out, winning work will be the most important aspect of your business but it's incredibly tough to get there. Especially if you've never had any experience in marketing before.

The Solution: The Internet offers endless training and education and there are hundreds of thousands of e-books, training tutorials, forums and online communities on marketing and PR... Basically, everything you need to know to help you find and win work. If you're just getting started, you'll need an online portfolio or web presence of some kind - so get yourself set up and start shouting about your services and some of your successful projects. Make sure you understand SEO and make good use of social media, signing up to Twitter and Facebook. Consider cold-calling, maildrops or even informing family and friends of what you're doing - because you shouldn't underestimate the power of word-of-mouth recommendations. And once you've got going, spend an hour or so every day working on your own marketing. Never ever rest on your laurels. Marketing is the most important aspect of running your business. Read this article on 100 inspiring ways to market your business.

Problem 7: Your freelancing is taking up too much time
You're working all hours, evening and weekends to make ends meet. You're working long hours because you're afraid of the work drying up. You're making hay while the sun shines to ensure you're not left short during those quieter work periods. All of these reasons mean your freelancing is taking up too much of your time.

The Solution: If you're working too many hours, ask yourself this - are you charging enough? It's one of the first questions to ask yourself. Because if you're too busy, it might mean you're too cheap. If you're confident you've got enough steady work to cover the bills - test the water and start to increase your day/hourly rate. Secondly, are you just working all hours because you feel obliged to? Be strict with yourself and stick to normal working hours, i.e. 9am-5pm. And if you really must work out-of-hours, limit yourself to one hour of overtime. Don't underestimate the importance of downtime. You have to recharge your batteries otherwise you'll only burnout and then you won't be able to do any work at all.

Problem 8: There's too many freelancers competing in your area
You've launched your business, got your website out there and contacted nearby agencies to offer your support - only to find that your local area is saturated with freelancers, offering the same services. You're struggling to infiltrate the market and no one wants to hire you because they've already got the support they need.

The Solution: When your local market is saturated with other freelancers, the best thing to do is analyse the competition and see what you could be doing that others aren't offering. Is there anything bespoke you could do? Offer that specific service and shout about it. Or you could run a unique offer 'Try me out and I'll give you a special discount of 20 percent!' And finally, make sure you go to local networking events. Be friendly, go without expectations and armed with business cards. Just because people use another freelancer, it doesn't mean they'll stick with them forever. If none of these ideas work, consider expanding your geographical location and look at markets in neighbouring counties or regions.

Problem 9: You often lack productivity and inspiration
Staying productive and inspired is a big daily challenge. There will be many times when you're staring at your computer screen or a blank piece of paper, struggling to make your next move. Lacking productivity is a huge frustration, particularly when you've got deadlines and can't afford to be slow.

The Solution: To ensure you're at your very best at all times, get your work/life balance right and spend regular time away from work to recharge the batteries. Equally, if you've hit a brick wall - get outside for a nice walk and some fresh air. You might find it clears your head and helps you move on. Don't underestimate the power of downtime. And if you're feeling uninspired? Go on websites like Creative Boom to seek out new ideas and be inspired by other creatives. Read this article on some other inspiring blogs for creative inspiration.

Problem 10: You thought it would be easy
You've got your degree, some decent experience under your belt and you've launched your freelancer website - the work should be pouring in right? Wrong. You're quickly discovering that freelancing isn't easy and might present more challenges than you thought. You feel like giving up and really can't see a future in your business.

The Solution: Don't give up! Everyone who freelances starts out with the same negative feelings. Yes, freelancing is very challenging but you really should stick to your guns and persevere. You've only just started and you have to expect that it could take up to two years before you've properly established yourself and the work is trickling in nicely. Bottom line? There's no secret to success or quick fix. The success of your business relies on you and you alone. Hard work, ongoing marketing, being passionate about what you do and having realistic goals will put you on the right track


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